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When the idea of Loved At Last as a sanctuary was born 15 years ago, ideas spun around my head like butterflies.  I was a newbie rescuer and not quite aware of where the greatest needs lie, but oh my gosh, the prospect of creating a safe, lifelong, love filled home for cats impassioned me!  That passion has only grown stronger and more focused. 


Over the years I gained invaluable rescue experience. I met cat after cat who suffered or fell through the cracks in rescue or shelter settings, in need of only a little understanding, a little love, and a place to call home. I became aware of the plight & lack of options available for shy and feral cats. I came to know the struggles faced by medically needy cats.  I learned how quickly so many people, rescues, and shelters give up on a cat with a special need or behavioral problem.   I've peered into the souls of hundreds of needy cats and they have peered into mine.  I found my place in rescuing, accepting, and loving these types of cats for exactly who they are.  Little did I know 15 years ago how fitting the name Loved At Last would come to be. 


As the number of needy cats finding LAL has grown, space has run out at our current home front.  This Safe Haven is now not only a dream, it has become a very real necessity.  We are stagnant until we make this happen. We've lost our space for doing TNR and quarantining ferals and fosters.  Our beloved main feral colony is still waiting to be moved to a safe place-- and they are the ones who jump-started this process last year. Their colony location has become increasingly unsafe.  Many of LAL's current residents have been plucked from this colony over the last 4 years as they've been sick or injured.  It pains me to see the current colony members' little faces every day, hear their little meows, and not know if they will be safe after I leave or still there the next morning.  


We need this Safe Haven and we need it soon. This isn't for me or any other person, it's for the cats. Still, I live and breathe LAL and work tirelessly for community cats.  Sharing this dream and asking for your help makes me personally feel very vulnerable.  What if we can't make it happen?  What if everything I've poured my heart into for all these years is for naught? What if I fail and everyone is watching?  This is the only dream I've ever had that has not changed or faltered.  What if I really can't make it happen?  It's terrifying.  Sharing it with the world makes it even more real, and even more scary! 


I've experienced burnout.  I've experienced exhaustion.  I've wanted to quit actively rescuing and TNRing more times than I can count, but even then my desire remains to provide safe haven.   No matter the circumstances, at the end of every day, for 15 years, my passion for this sanctuary has remained. It's time to make it a reality.


Can we make our Safe Haven as real as my passion for it?  This won't be an easy or inexpensive process.  It won't happen overnight. This isn't something I or we at LAL can do alone.  We need backers, supporters; LIFE SAVERS. Will you help make this dream a reality?  




With all my love & gratitude, 


Founder/President of Loved At Last




Do you want to know more?  Do you have a question?  Are you interested in giving funds to our Safe Haven, but want to wait until we find the right property?  E-mail me and we can chat!  I'm excited to have you be a part of this. 


Our intent is to purchase a property of at least 20 acres (hopefully more!).  Providing the cats with wide open spaces and the chance to safely enjoy the fresh air and great outdoors is very important to us. 



We ultimately intend to have:



  • General population area (cat fenced in)

  • FeLV area (cat fenced in)

  • FIV area (cat fenced in)

  • Quarantine/hospital space

  • Storage space

  • Holding space for ferals during TNR




As space & funds allow, we intend to be able to do intake specifically of:



  • Sick or injured feral cats unable to be returned to their colonies

  • FeLV+ cats




We will continue to work to place adoptable cats and kittens into their very own loving forever homes.  The unadoptables need us! 




Whether you give $5, $20, $100, or $1000, you are an integral part of this process.



We are eagerly watching real estate listings for the right property.  In order to be able to obtain that property when we find it, we have to meet our fundraising goal for the down payment.  We need $25,000.  As of end of March, we have 22% raised towards this goal. 


After we obtain the property, we will assess the needs and begin phase 2 of fundraising.  

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